Can the hotel make restaurant reservations?

Although we are always ready to advise our guests and can provide them with the restaurant's phone number, for privacy reasons we cannot make reservations on behalf of guests. This is because some restaurants may ask for a phone number or…

Are there any restaurants near the hotel within walking distance?

Several restaurants are located just 100 metres away on foot. During your stay, we will be happy to help you with suggestions and recommendations for places to eat in the area.

Where is the hotel located in Knokke-Heist?

The hotel is located at the edge of the Zwin dunes and polders, between cycle junctions 4 and 45, in a quiet residential area of the Zoute, a short distance from the sea, boutiques and restaurants.

Parkeerplan Knokke-Heist

Privé Parking hotel St Pol:
 € 12.50 / nacht verblijf.
1 nacht verblijf kan je 2 dagen parkeren.

Groene zone
Vanaf 11u tot 19u € 2,30/uur, of max. € 12,50 per dag.
Gratis buiten weekends en schoolvakantie!

Oranje zone:
Vanaf 11u tot 19u € 2,50/uur, Max 4 uur parkeren.

Te betalen alle dagen.

Rode zone :
Vanaf 11u tot 19u max. 1 uur parkeren € 2,50/uur, Tweede uur € 3,5 (max. 2 uur parkeren)
Te betalen alle dagen.

Parkeer je langer dan de toegelaten tijd? Dan betaal je het retributietarief van € 80 per dag.

Ondergrondse parking:
Dumortierlaan Onder het ijzerpark

Onder het Verweeplein

Onder de minigolf

Contacteer ons

4 + 1 = ?

Hotel St. Pol

Bronlaan 23
8300 Knokke-Heist


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