“Enjoy Winter Magic in the Zwin during the Christmas holidays”

winterinthezwin birds

Winter nature in the Zwin Nature Park is enchantingly beautiful!During every day of the Christmas holidays, Zwin guides will be present in various huts along the hut trail.

Admire the birds visiting the feeding huts

The Zwin Guide will be on hand at the feeding hut to tell you all about the winter birds in the Zwin. They also share handy tips on feeding birds and making your garden attractive to songbirds. Did you know that at the feeding hut you can see many songbirds up close looking for food? Even the squirrel often drops by. Zwin guides will be present from 10am to 3.30pm to guide you.

Several Zwin Guides will be at various points in the park with telescopes to spotlight the birds in the area. They will be present at the viewing wall (or viewing hut in worse weather) from 11am to 4.30pm. Have you ever examined an animal skeleton or feather?

A microscope is set up in the lab hut for you to discover lots of interesting finds. The Zwin Guide will tell you all about the seeds, feathers, small animal skeletons, and more, which you will get to know enlarged on the big screen. Swing guides will be present from 10.30 a.m. to 4 p.m.


Discover the winter splendour of the Zwin during the Christmas holidays!


Zwin Natuur Park
Graaf Leon Lippensdreef 8
8300 Knokke-Heist

From Saturday 23 December until Sunday 7 January
Exception on 24/12 and 31/12 open until 15h00
Closed on 25/12 and 1/1

Parking plan Knokke-Heist

Private Parking hotel St Pol:
Out of season: 12.50 euro / night stay.
Season: 12.50 euro / night stay.

Green zone
From 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. € 2,30 per hour, € 12.50 / day
Free outside weekends and school holidays!

Orange zone:
From 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. € 2.50/hour max. 4 hours.

To be paid all days.

Red zone:
From 11h to 19h max. 1 hour parking € 2,50/hour second hour is € 3,50/ hour. Max. 2 hours.
To be payed all days.

Do you park longer than the allowed time? Then you pay the retainer fee of €80 per day.

Underground parking :
Dumortierlaan Underneath the IJzerpark

Under the Verweeplein

Under the minigolf

Keep in touch

1 + 7 = ?

Hotel St. Pol

Bronlaan 23
8300 Knokke-Heist


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